Sunday, November 30, 2014


Okay, so maybe the title is a slight exaggeration considering we are really trying to avoid the excess that often occurs during the holiday time BUT let me tell you about some for real deals we have gotten that hasn't busted our budget and will help us get through the holiday season with ease and bring the new year in with STOCKED pantry! Let's just say I have a stash of O.N.E. Coconut Water that would make a prepper envious.

Honest Company has a sale so I stocked up on Vivi's training pants that she needs for school. She prefers the stars pattern and can pull them up herself! 25% off with code THANKSGIVING good till 12/1/2014.

Honest Company

Of course, I got the Black Friday deal at Half off for a whole year of meal planning...Love this site. I've been waiting for this sale for MONTHS!!

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

I grabbed a few actual gifts for family/teachers/friends, but for the most part we are giving some love from the kitchen this year!

Ryan's working on a trifecta rub and I grabbed some adorable favor tins to pack the seasonings in and some sparkly ribbon. We tried this on some toasted pumpkin seeds as a snack while cooking Thanksgiving supper; they were so tasty! Who knew that Ry's rub tweaked a smidge would be good on EVERYTHING. Well, he did.

I hope you had a restful holiday and you start the season with a smile. Onward to the Christmas Tree farm!

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