Saturday, January 3, 2015

Prepping for Back to School

The holiday break is coming to an end. I'm ignoring the calendar, but in the back of my mind I know Monday will come quickly. To ensure we keep up with our whole food monthly challenge I've started to prep lunchbox items. I had some extra Herman (my sourdough starter from a friend, will post ALL about this new man in my life sooner or later) and knew I needed to have some ready to go muffins for out the door breakfasts next week. Found a recipe and adapted it a little--turned out great!
Here is the link to the recipe that I used:

Made these into muffins with 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 unbleached. Used 1/2 cup of honey instead of sugar and butter instead of shortening. I thought they were plenty sweet, but my bananas were very ripe! I baked them for about 30 minutes at 340 degrees in a convection oven and kept checking them to make sure my toothpick came out clean. Family loved them and I got to use my cute new muffin cups that Santa gave me.

One is missing...husband and child quality control!

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