Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's the point, again?

After moving to Beaufort I struggled to live my veganish lifestyle. It didn't work. In fact, I found that it was causing me more problems than it was helping me with. I kept asking myself, why am I doing this? I was going broke. I was gaining weight (from eating unhealthy vegan things instead of healthy non-vegan things) and my social life and relationship started to become ridiculously boring. All the things I used to love I had begun to hate. So here's what I decided---I'm just going to do what I want and be conscious. Check things twice. Three times even, but if the time is right and I want to try some goat cheese I'm going to go for it. Ahhh, I feel better now. I can now post again on Saymmmm without guilt. :) Life is good.

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