Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Break, emphasis on the SPRING

Spring is here, so what now? Spring feels more like a new year to me than any day in January. It is now, more than ever, that I want to change things, start fresh, begin again. I have intense desires to use my steam mop, drink nettle tea, and play in the dirt. And here I am sitting on the porch on yet another dreary day during my Spring Break filling my time being OCD and making lists of all the things I'll do when the sun comes out. There is one thing I do every spring, it's become a tradition of sorts. Heres to the tradition being started in Beaufort. Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Plant An Herb Garden Too!

  1. In the long run it's way cheaper. Herbs are expensive, and it seems that whenever you need one for a recipe the store is always sold out and its not Farmer's Market hours.

  2. You want your porch to look nice anway. Herbs are visually appealing. They come in all shapes and sizes, and if you forget to trim them all they will do is flower, how awful is that.

  3. They smell good. I planted lavender because I've recently become addicted to the smell, and I can't sit around smelling my laundry detergent all day.

  4. Herbs make beautiful garnishes. Even if you aren't drinking mojitos or bloody mary's adding a sprig to your iced tea makes reading a magazine on a Sunday a more enjoyable experience.

  5. (And for all my lady friends who wouldn't accept the number 5 reason being that my favorite color is green.) The cute guy working in the garden department at Lowes. Make sure you buy organic choice, he'll have to do a price check.

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