Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cloth Diapering Reasons...

In my efforts to convince others to join in on my cloth diapering obsession I wanted to post some of my routines and just a bit about why we love cloth diapering in our house.We also use cloth wipes in order to reinforce all our reasons for cloth diapering in the first place.

As a reminder, everyone is different. These are the reasons why we chose to cloth diaper.

1) It's better for our baby. Vivi has very sensitive skin and we want to avoid any harsh chemicals. Ryan has eczema and so we are aware of the dilemmas she could potentially face. We wanted to avoid that at all costs. People argue about this one, but here is some research on the matter:

2) It's better for the environment. (This one people like to argue because they say that you have to use power and water to wash said cloth diapers, BUT we use eco-friendly detergent, wash with small amounts of water, and line dry.)

3) To save money. We have not purchased any disposable diapers. We were gifted some Seventh Generation which are the disposables that also would match up with our #1 and #2 reasons for cloth diapering. These disposable diapers are a really great option;however, they are SO ridiculously overpriced. Even generic brand disposables and wipes get expensive. Here's some info on cost effectiveness:

4) I hate taking out the trash. Seriously, it's scary back there. I'd rather wash a load of dipes any day instead of venturing where the spiders and snakes could potentially be lurking.

5) They are so CUTE!!! Who needs pants when your diaper is adorable.

Hanging is the wet bag where we put soiled diapers. The bookshelf has all the clean diapers.
Here is our changing table set up. We have all our cloth diapers at hand and the cloth wipes are in the warmer with a wipe solution I mix up.

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