Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's 2010 and just like everyone else I have vowed to be a better, healthier me. I think constant improvement is a must, not in search of perfection, but to attain a state of well being. Change is constant, and to live in the now means not to linger too much on the past nor rely too much on the future.

I wanted to try to keep the blog up for those family members (that's you, Mom) that said they also wanted to start eating a bit healthier and for those that wanted some of my recipies from the holidays. And yes, if anyone was wondering, I did survive the holidays and remain vegan.
I did slip on a chocolate truffle, but come on I resisted Grandma's mac-n-cheese for pete's sake!
Here is protein packed earlier dinner before we are off to see Avatar in IMAX 3D. Who could want popcorn after this?!?!

Rosemary Veggie Wrap - packs a 21g protein punch!

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