Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pizza, Football, and SNACKS

Early Dinner - Pizza Night!

Spinach, Broccoli, Artichoke, Tomato, and Garlic Pizza and with 1/2 Tofuroni (something new)

Paired with a leafy green salad and some Ginger dressing it was VERY filling.

Late night snack:
A new product Vegan Chicken Tenders.
If you bake these and dip in ketchup or BBQ sauce they are actually REALLY good and quick. Nothing to clean up either!

I really like trying new meat alternatives because beans get kind of old, I'm trying to not eat so much wheat, and my best tofu recipe takes forever, so if I see something new at the store I'll usually take a risk and buy it. Sometimes the results are NOT so good, but other times I am pleasantly suprised. These will become a freezer staple just like veggie potstickers, and mushroom burgers.

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