Saturday, January 9, 2010

You know you've made a good dinner when....

I've been wanting to try some new things with tofu since it's been too cold to go to Whole Foods and buy the cajun style tofu off the hot bar, so I did some research and found a few new recipies.
Well, my tofu stir-fry may not have been an original dish, but it was AMAZING. I have never been able to get tofu to be so chicken like in texture and still have lots of flavor, but boy was it a process.
It all started with Extra Firm Organic Tofu that I drained and lightly squeezed. I then sliced into 6 pieces, put it in a dish towel, put some weight on it and waited a few hours. After that I sauteed it in some coconut butter until it looked brown on most sides. I sauteed some frozen veggies and a mixture of fresh ones that I had in the fridge on a really hot pan with no oil while I tossed the cooked tofu in a marinade/sauce of sorts consisting of: Srirach, Soy Sauce, a touch of Teriyaki, red pepper flakes, and a drip or two of Agave. Then I tossed the said marinaded tofu into the pan with the rest of the sauce. I didn't even serve it over brown rice or noodles, just veggie and tofu.
So now to the point, you know you've made a good dinner when it gets eaten in its' entirety before you can even photograph it. The only evidence I have is the picture below which just shows a picture of what I rigged to get as much moisture as possible out of the tofu.

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