As you can see the Banana Bread was a success! It baked up perfectly and didn't take forever like the zucchini bread I made a while back. I find some vegan things you just have to be more patient with and bake a little longer.
I'm still working on the recipe, but I'll give you the one I used here with a few improvements. Please feel free to try your own thing....a recipe is ONLY suppose to be a guideline. I find immense pleasure in making things better, and recipes are no different.
Healthy Banana Bread
2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 pinch of Nutmeg
5 Ripe Bananas
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
1/4 cup Coconut Milk (or any non-dairy milk, this just adds an interesting flavor)
3/4 cup Agave (or 1 cup sugar/1 cup honey)
1/2 Walnuts
Preheat oven to 350. Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Mash bananas in a medium bowl and combine all wet ingredients. Mix wet ingredients then stir into dry ingredients. Make sure to mix very well. The batter will seem thick and that's okay. Add in walnuts. Fill into two loaf pans or four mini loaf pans. For easy removal from the pans line them with parchment paper first and rub some coconut oil on the sides to prevent sticking. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
*If you want your bread to be more moist and not so dense add a few tablespoons of some fat to the wet ingredients such as coconut oil, vegetable oil, etc.*

Now... for the quicky and easy dinner after baking...
An Amy's Black Bean Burrito topped with salsa and some vegan sour cream! It's made with soy and I know many folks have an aversion to consumming to much soy since it's already in so many things, but I believe everything in moderation. Read your labels, watch what your eating a lot of. For me, I don't drink soy milk and haven't used a meat alternative this week so as Daisy would say, "do a dollup" and I don't feel guilty! Vegan Gourmet also makes a cream cheese
product and I was SO excited
to try it, unfortunately, I find it
to far from real cream cheese to be
enjoyed in the same way. It might
have some great uses, but to spread
on a bagel, I'll just use jam or Earth
Balance. The sour cream though is a perfect substitute!
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