Yesterday was a good day---
I ran another 6.2 miles and this time in 78 minutes woo hoo! I'm shooting for that distance in one might take a while, but I think it's possible, especially since I'm already seeing improvement. BUT what makes it special was that I have found and learned about a new drink that will help me sustain and replenish my energy while running--and it taste good too!
It's coconut water!!
I bought a whole case of it I liked it so much.

Basically, it's a natural sports drink full of potassium and electrolytes.
It's low in sugar and has calcium too.
Coconut things are really good for the body, and I never knew all the powers of coconut. It has way more uses than in Pina Coladas and curry. There is coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut butter, and coconut yogurt....which I tried yesterday for the first time and really liked, much better than soy yogurt in my opinion.
Here's an information page I found about Coconut: dinner I made once I got done running and was full of energy from my workout turned out good. It was my Seafood night for the week, and I was cooking some things I'd never done before, so I was curious as to how'd things would turn out.
I used these huge zucchinis that Ryan and I had accidently let stay on the plant too long thus they had little flavor, so I stuffed them with bread crumbs, sauteed onions, garlic, peppers, topped them with basil, thyme, and oregano then baked them. Yum-O! I ate two halves before Ryan even got home, and the rest for lunch today.
I also had picked up some Amberjack from Whole Foods (Amberjack, thanks to Jeff, I now know is a part of the Jack Family which is related to Pompeno and Tuna.) I browsed the internet and found a great Lousiana style recipe for broiling it. I followed that and what resulted was de-lish!
It made me feel really good having it perfectly ready for Ryan when he got off from work, even if it was 11:00pm. Nothing sounds as good as timer going off when you walk in the door starving. :)
He is so gentle when critiquing my food but usually adds a little something extra to it, but last night he didn't add a thing! Not even a smidge of his special Hawaiin Sea Salt.....
Here's a pic, his zucchinis are topped with Pecorino Romano...

Today-- I ran just a bit before going into work.
Then I got to play with the most beautifully ugly tomatoes. It's so refreshing to use not perfect tomatoes. The heirloom ones we were working with were in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.

This is the arrangement I made with one of the tomatoes for the Tomato Art Festival in East Nashville.